By Steve Roulstone

The collapse of the Connaught Company is of course bad news for the employees and sub contractors and they must all be worried about their future this bleak morning. It is a position I have never been in and hopefully never will, but they are definately in my thoughts surrounding this somewhat inevitable sad news. Hopefully, with the work still needed to be completed, arrangements through a differing agency will offer some of the workers hope by picking up where Connaught have pulled out.

BBC News reporting.

However, the subject of my blog is the manner in which the BBC took great pleasure in either condemning the building Industry and or the Government as being responsible for the collapse. In my opinion, debts of £220 million cannot be associated with the stringent measures and cut backs being introduced by the Government. They have only been in operation for three months and yet the report on BBC 24 last night clearly stated that the collapse was as a result of Government measures. What kind of Company can manage to lose such massive amounts in three months? I think anybody who puts their mind to such comments will be able to see through them, but if you accept the statement at face value, then the collapse is laid squarely at the door of Number 10. Now whoever is in charge this just does not make sense and we should expect better standards from the BBC than comment which cannot be backed up.

BBC News reporting stage 2.

But they did not stop there! The next statement was that all Council House Tenants should beware (Actually they just stated Tenants with no differential) as what was going to happen about the work outstanding now? The suggestion as that it would not be carried out and they were going to be left high and dry! Well again, I am no genius, but I would have thought somebody else would be appointed to carry out the work? After all, unless Connaught was paid before the work was carried out, then it will still need to be carried out and presumably somebody will be paid by Councils across the Country for completion. Indeed this very point is made in the BBC news report on line! But this is typical of the way in which the BBC seem to deal with news relating to property. It seems to me, that bad news is good news! If it is possible for the story to be presented as the Building Industry, or housing in general in a poor light they will do just that.

Better Standards.

If I am wrong in the assumptions that I have made, then the BBC should have laid the facts out clearly for us all to understand, instead of leaving us with such unclear statetments. If I am right, then the report looks like an effort to make more out of what is a bad enough scenario for those concerned already by presenting the story using scaremongery. Come on BBC we deserve better!

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