By Steve Roulstone

I am not a lover of the way the BBC report most issues, far too much political bias for my liking, but yet again this week one of my old chestnuts has risen its weary little head again, as the BBC news stated that house prices have dropped this year in total 2.6% according to the Land Registry and that the average price for a house is now around £162,347. I heard this report on the news as well as being able to read about it on the BBC web site.

House prices in dramatic rise.

The BBC have reported that average house prices are now at an average of £241, 461! Wow that’s good, when you consider the first report was dated September 2011 and the second November 2011, that’s a rise of just under 50% which gets even better when you see that the period reported upon was also September 2011!! But wait, what is this I hear?

House prices rise by 1.6%!

According to the BBC in a report dated today! House Prices have risen by 1.6% in the last year, now I know that these reports are all from differing institutions and organisations, but please somebody explain what is the truth? Are prices falling? Is the average price rising? When will we ever know? What are we supposed to believe?

When will the BBC explain?

This to me is exactly the style of reporting which the BBC (this organisation that was once trusted to be the eyes and ears of the nation) now use in all areas of news reporting, in trying to compete in TV world, that proves just how far they have dumbed down to the extent that they are only interested in sound bites with no depth what so ever. No doubt other markets are treated with the same scant regard. Proof for me for our industry, is that whenever they have an ‘In house representative’( to discuss this important issue in less than 30 seconds) it is never the same person, proving that they do not have an ‘in House’ expert when it comes to housing issues!

There to report the news.

I know this is not all their fault, because they did not publish the figures in the first place, but it is a fact they like bad news (which is why I probably only heard about the average price drop) and they never give an argued or reasoned debate about what the figures represent and why such figures differ. To me this is the crux of the matter, because if Mr and Mrs Average are ever to understand what the BBC is telling us, then if they quote so many figures, they should explain so many figures and why they use them all, because they SHOULD be the organisation we rely upon to explain matters to us! That surely is what we pay our license for, is it not?

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